Derivative Citizenship

Immigration Law Derivative Citizenship
AttorneyMoonjung Kim

About This Case

EK came to the United States as a green card holder with his father when he was a child. As an adult, EK was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 10 years in prison. After his release from prison, EK lived his life in fear that he would be detained by ICE, placed in removal proceedings and deported to his home country to which he no longer had a connection since he had lived in the United States for the majority of his life.

Attorney Moonjung Jenny Kim determined that EK did not have to fear deportation because he was already a U.S. citizen through his father who naturalized prior to EK’s 18th birthday and with whom EK had lived with since entering the United States as a child. With Attorney Moonjung Jenny Kim’s assistance, EK was able to obtain his Certificate of Citizenship which offered him protection from deportation.

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